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Contact Center Solution

End-To-End Contact Center Solution Designed To Improve Customer Experience

Sangoma CX is a complete inbound and outbound contact center solution that will keep your organization on the cutting edge. Sangoma CX has an advanced and comprehensive suite of features, including an intuitive interface for adding queues and agents, customizable call routing, management, and reporting. Your customers will enjoy a streamlined experience that both improves caller satisfaction and boosts agent productivity.

CX Builds Amazing Experiences

Built-In Training

Supervisors or Quality Teams can assess and review all Call conversations with the objective of guiding agents to improve their customer management skills which coincide with higher customer loyalty.


End-to-end encryption and security features protect a user’s identity. Password policy enforcement and access and event audit trails ensure the platform’s security while managing sensitive interactions and HIPAA compliance.

Omnichannel Functionality

Enable customers to choose their preferred communication channel by blending Voice and Web Chat channels-all while delivering a seamless customer experience.

Advanced Call Routing

Can re-route calls to agents with prioritized queuing, skills-based routing, queue call back, as well as ring strategies like round robin, number of calls per agent, agent talk time, or longest idle.

Sangoma Cost-Effective And Budget Friendly

Named and Concurrent Agent licensing models supports organizational staffing needs while providing the most competitive pricing option.

In-Depth Reporting

Offers a comprehensive suite of reports on queues, groups, SLAs, customer satisfaction, agent performance, agent activity timeline, custom alerts, traffic analysis, and much more.

See Why Sangoma CX Stands Above The Rest

Advanced Contact Center

  • Omnichannel Functionality
  • Agent login/logout on queues, with timesheet reporting including productive and unproductive pauses
  • Callbacks and Post Call Surveys
  • Real-time displays
  • In-depth reporting
  • Call barge, monitor, and whisper functionality
  • Cloud-based recording of agents’ inbound and outbound calls for quality assurance or compliance purposes
  • Interactive Voice Response with Text to Speech

Call Control

  • Call Transfer
  • Skill-based routing strategies        
  • Flexible queuing configurations
  • Click-to-Dial 
  • IVR Builder


  • Concurrent and Named Agent Licensing Available
  • Mobile Agent App
  • Sangoma Contact Center Salesforce Connector
  • Contact Center data daily exports 
  • Click-to-Dial Chrome extension
  • HIPAA-Compliant


  • Call History
  • SMART Alert History
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Queue Summary
  • Answered x Abandoned x SLA Detailed
  • Agent Activity Timeline
  • Call Reasons by Agent
  • Queue Annual Report
  • Complete Pause Report
  • ATT & ASA History